1st Blog Post!
First blog post on my website! I'm excited about this because it's the first time I've been able to put all of my talents in one spot. My films, comics, music, short stories and links to them, etc. It's a beautiful thing.
Things are still a bit under construction and I'll move some pics around a bit right now this is a great start!
A lot of what I'll put up here will be about my film projects (such as my latest movie U-Haulin') but I'll also cross into my comics, short stories and podcast. I'll also discuss the creative process and my current inspirations from other artists and filmmakers.
My other blogs on my blog page will be more specialized on theses particular subjects, such as Movin' Slow (movinslow.blogspot.com) for my Rage comic, Lightning productions (lightning-prod.blogspot.com) for my films and film reviews, and Griffin Tutoring (griffintutoring.blogspot.com) for my short stories and book reviews.
Stay tuned!
Chris C.