Summer Comic-Cons & The Macomb One
Great Lakes Comic Con coming up and still no issues printed yet for Rage 4. Frustrating. Soon, I’ll have to get on that. The library in which I do my work has been surrounded by endless summer construction making the drive there a lot less convenient. I’ve been looking at other ways to get that work done where I’m more focused.
Been thinking about setting up multiple work stations/studios all over the city and maybe even beyond. Hard to find an affordable small art office but I believe it's possible if I manifest it.
Speaking of the library I had a chance to go to a small comic con at the Macomb, MI library and going as a fan and I gotta say it was a decent time. I think a library is an ideal place to have a small comic con because you can go sit down and read what you bought. The library only used the first floor for artist alley and dealers but there was enough there to make it work! People were still dressed up as the Blues Brothers, Ghostbusters, in fact Blues Brothers Ghostbusters.
I really like small comic cons like these because they still have deals. I got a small graphic novel for $5 which was pretty great. Also, I bought small 50 cent comics made from colored paper one of them was called The Amazing Cynical Man by Matt Feazell. The art was stick men and the comics are only a few pages but it's great quicker way to get your story across without spending too much time on the art.
Overall, I had a great time for just a few hours and I liked talking about the popularity of Wolverine, what makes him a great character and why can't we have more characters as interesting as him.
Captain America was a good sport.

The library had nice big lecture rooms. They're no Hall H but they get the job done. Plenty of seating.