The 4th Commandment of Cartooning
Ok, here’s commandment #4 of The Commandments of Cartooning: 4. Thou shalt..draw with pencil first, not inks. This one is a no-brainer. I...
The 3rd Commandment of Cartooning
Here’s the third commandment: 3. Thou shalt..always have a pencil and or pen on your person for drawing as well as ideas that you can jot...
The 2nd Commandment of Cartooning
The second commandment is: 2. Thou and carry a small portable sketchbook and take it with you to practice while waiting in...
The 10 Commandments of Cartooning - The 1st Commandment
Lately, I've had the stellar idea to assemble a list of cartooning commandments based on the rules I swear by when it comes to cartooning...