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The 2nd Commandment of Cartooning

The second commandment is:

2. Thou and carry a small portable sketchbook and take it with you to practice while waiting in long lines.

I find that there’s so much dead time in life especially in long lines or waiting. Now you can talk to somebody next to you and practice being social but if you don’t feel like doing that you can always just whip out the old portable pocket sketchbook from the dollar store and stretch something you love to draw. Having a small compact drawing book in your jacket pocket is invaluable for not only practicing anywhere you are but for jotting down ideas or story ideas that you might forget later. Also, you don't need to plug the book in to recharge it!

Again, let me know what you think. Would love to hear your commandments if you’ve been drawing a long time. If you haven’t what are some of the obstacles that can keep you from learning or practicing?

Also, check out my YouTube channel and please subscribe, I’m trying to build it up and add drawing tips as well as motivate myself to keep improving as an artist. Thanks!




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