I Ain't Afraid of no Great Lakes Comic Con!
Well, Rage #1 is officially online. Check out the whole issue under Rage and Illustrations heading. The Adventures of Rage saga starts there though. If you you click on a page it opens up in a bigger window so you can read it and get a bigger eyeful. Eventually, I might replace them with redone word balloons so these pages could be temporary. Each page works great on the old smartphone too so you can read it pretty much anywhere on the go. Enjoy!
I also have a few three panel comic strips I plan on putting up on that page as well. One is Biology :101 - based on my short film on my films page and the other is 4th Hour (about a gym teacher dealing with students at a private school). They're little three panel one shots.
I just attended The Great Lakes Comic Con in Warren, MI and had a great time! It goes from 2-25-17 to 2-26-17. It's only about 10 minutes away from were I live! I'm sad my comics weren't ready yet but soon they will be. If you see me there I'll have the black thick rimmed glasses. I really enjoyed it! Only $15 to get in and both days (Friday & Saturday) are included! It's set up in a big gymnasium and it's a lot bigger then I thought. Around 6-8 big isles full of cheap 50 cent to $1 comics. It reminds me of how much more smaller and intimate the Novi Comic Con used to be.
There's a cool bunch of Detroit and Great Lakes Ghostbusters that liven up the show. You can get your picture with them, their costumes are top notch. The proton packs are lit up and make the noises so they seem more authentic. You can pose with a inflated Stay Puft Marshmellow man. At first I thought it was remote operated and I couldn't see an actual man walking around inside it...awesome.
There's an awesome trap that Mattel sold that has a break pedal and activates it. Just amazing. The ghostbuster was saying that it now sell for about a grand on Amazon now. It was $150 about two years ago!
Most of the comic artists have been really nice and non-pushy (with the exception of one or two :/ ). Looking forward to day two tomorrow
Below is part of an amazing three part print you can by from Cory Smith. Check out Cory Smith Art on Facebook or Deviant Art. Simply amazing and really inspiring. Each print is only $25 and he can color parts of it for only a little extra. He really captures the essence of each character and makes them bigger then life. Truly inspirational!

Cory Smith Art @ Facebook