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My First Comic Expo As A Guest!

Well, well, well, it's been a while. Work has me by the nards. Some great news though! I've claimed my first table at The Great Lakes Comic Expo in Clinton Township, MI. I discovered that the convention will be held at my old school and church Trinity Lutheran. What a big surprise when I found it about the affordable table. I'll take this as a sign from God to start my comics touring career.

So I'm trying to get somethings done in time for my booth.

Rage 1, 2 & 3 is being printed out as I type this and I'll be giving away a free copy of The Adventures of Rage #1 reprint! Only 20 will available!

Rage # 2 A Simple Painless Life and the premiere of Rage #3 For Sahara will both be available for only...wait for it...75 cents each!!! That's right! Comics are affordable again, just like the old eighties.

That's a complete story arc in three issues for under $2!

Most indie creator charge $4 - $7 a pop for an issue.

Not me! I want you to read my story at an affordable cost. Take a risk on ragin' black & white!

If that doesn't rock your boat (I don't know what does!) I can do a commission drawing for you for

no more then $10!

Micheals will also be promoted since I teach a how to draw a comic class there every month. I'll have some flyers for that too!

So I'm excited, finally after many long years of perfecting my craft I'm taking Rage on tour to you people. Come see me and let's chat!

The Expo is Saturday July 15th from 11-4pm. Tickets are only $3!

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