The 5th Commandment of Cartooning
Ok, here’s commandment #5 of The Commandments of Cartooning:
5. Thou shalt..draw what thou like to draw the most.
This might seem like too easy but it works! The more familiar you get drawing a favorite thing or character the better you’ll get drawing it. It will build your confidence. This will trickle down into your other drawings borrowing a particular shading technique or eyebrow raise. Also, it's practice, which is always good to get in and you'll be happy while you draw it because you like that character or favorite thing or maybe pet? Whatever motivates you to get fired up about drawing the better!
As always check out my new YouTube page 10-Second Cartooning for regular videos and if you’re already a subscriber, I say thank ya. Link below.
This video shows my drawing a Stay-Puft Marshmellow kid which I was already familiar with. No real reference needed.